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(AV17) Gallery | 8

The exhibition “8” comprises works by eight young Lithuanian artists whose aesthetic perception of the world is an intuitive and integral part of the creative self-expression. Each of them uses the chosen art language and medium to reveal an individual view and visual experiences of the world. Although the participating artists do not share any creative connections, all of them are united by the common aim to observe the world with the sight of a fair person. Constantly watch and wander how the world changes while we are looking at it with our eyes filled with new experiences. The artists in their works reflect both their personal experiences and collective memory, social, cultural contexts and mundane situations. Fragmented and open to interpretation narratives are created from single details and their indeterminacy enables viewers to continue the process of artwork perception by using their own experiences and intuition. The group exhibition for the artists is an opportunity to bring together a declaration of their artistic ideas and an inducement to continue to create together.

At the exposition visitors will see eight artworks. An installation “The Watcher” by Marija Snipaite. In this work the artist creates an associative narrative in which real and imaginary details from personal life and collective memory are interwoven. Installation work by Jonas Aničas that combines several art forms: photography and ready-made. A provocative work “Pulse” representing a distorted sense of reality by Matas Janušonis. An installation work “Under the Table” by sculptor Dovas Vyšniauskas, in which the artist investigates the automatism of imagination, the process of the exhibition and ways of reflective thinking. Analog and digital photographs by Paulius Aničas and Nerijus Junevičius also experimental video works by Artūras Liamzinas and Saulius Petrošius.