Yasmin Alt
Yasmin Alt is a German artist creating sculptures, objects and collages. She draws inspiration for her works from the elements of architecture and design. Transformed fragments of industrial, brutalist buildings or architecture from medieval and other periods emerge in her objects and installations. These are usually separated from their habitual context and embodied into strange and unusual combinations. Various heterogeneous geometric conjunctions immerse the viewer into the intersection of different timelines, where cultural remains from the past, the substance of the presence and the visionary future merge together. Dynamic shapes and colours that create illusions of light and shadow offer the viewer to experience the futuristic structures aesthetically, rather than rely on the search for the historical references. Alt’s collages are also closely related to architectural and sculptural forms. In the static plane, the motifs of space and movement are revealed in a minimalist way, created using the principles of construction and deconstruction.
Born in 1978 in Bad Schwalbach, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin
2008-2010 Master student of Prof. Monika Brandmeier
2003-2008 Sculpture, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden
2001-2003 Communication design, Fachhochschule Mainz
1998-2001 B.S. of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Solo exhibitions
2022 States Of Sculpture, Kiosk 24, Herford, Germany
2021 Monuments and other illusions, Kunstverein Paderborn, Germany
2019 The Space Between The Objects, Kunstverein Trier, Germany
2014 bloody, bloody mountain, Ebene 0, Stuttgart, Germany
2012 Dance ́till the End of Time, galerie modul 4, galerie module, Dresden, Germany
2009 Send the dark mood beneath, SELF SERVICE open art space, Stuttgart, Germany
Group exhibitions
2022 Skulpturverein #1, Kunstraum m3, Berlin, Germany
2021 Heimat, Herz, Ort: Verwurzlung, Gallery Bernau, Bernau, Germany
2019 ART ROTTERDAM, with balzer projects, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2019 Abweichende Wuchsverhältnisse, with Esther Ernst, balzerprojects, Basel, Switzerland
2018 Potatoes, Prunes And Prism, Focus On Abstraction 2018, Pavillon am Milchhof, Berlin, Germany
2018 Object Evolution, with Kai Franz, (AV17) Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018 TRACES, ROCKELMANN &, Berlin, Germany
2017 My Tether Is Clipped, ROCKELMANN &, Berlin Delikat 17, Neu Deli, Leipzig, Germany
2017 Relics Of Chaos, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Germany
2017 What Was And What It Has Become, KWA, Berlin, Germany
2017 Geradewohl, Toolbox, Berlin, Germany
2016 Triptych, ROCKELMANN &, Berlin, Germany
2015 PAPER / WORK, ROCKELMANN &, Berlin, Germany
2015 Anti-Monuments, KKW, Leipzig, Germany
2015 Chaos / Kosmos, Kunstverein Offenburg, Offenburg, Germany
2015 temporary #1 – Yasmin Alt / Suse Bauer, Emmanuel Post contemporary art @ location, Berlin, Germany
2015 Polyvalenz, Projektraum Bethanien, Kunstquatier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
2014 HELIUM – Goldrausch 2014, Projektraum Flutgraben e.V., Berlin, Germany (catalog)
2014 Dialog on Sight – Yasmin Alt & Sebastian Biskup, ROCKELMANN &, Berlin, Germany
2014 Shining – Legendary Artefacts, Frappant e.V., Hamburg, Germany
2013 Unterströmung – Undercurrent, Sixtus Villa, Berlin, Germany
2013 Back to Front, The Empty Store, Berlin, Germany
2013 Diamantenjagd – under favour of darkness, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin, Germany
2013 Shining #2, E-Werk, Freiburg, Germany
2013 (in)habitanCITY, Böblinger Kunstverein, Böblingen, Germany
2012 Fold, CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium, Germany
2012 Shining, Westwerk, Leipzig, Germany
2012 far left lane & the Barbers, Studio Schütt, Berlin
2012 WIN/WIN 2012, aquisitions of the cultural foundation of the state of saxony, HALLE 14, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2011 The Death of Painting, Dada Post, Berlin, Germany
2011 Form & Fassung, Galerie zanderkasten, Dresden, Germany
2011 Nomadic Settlers – settled Nomads, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (catalog)
2011 #wunderkammer, Lage Egal, Berlin, Germany
2011 Crossing Signs, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta
2011 Developing a habit, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
2011 Hochparterre, PLAZA SHOWS, Foyer Commerzbank, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (catalog)
2011 The Darkest Corners Of The Whitest Cube, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Germany
2010 U(Dys)topia, Freies Museum Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2010 Richtung und Regie des Lichts, Goethe Institut Damascus, Syria Youth Cult, Dada Post, Berlin, Germany
2010 on/off, Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig, Germany
2009 Haut, Galerie der HfBK Dresden, Germany (catalog)
2008 Now I walk in Beauty, Neuer Regensburger Kunstverein, Regensburg, Germany
2008 Now I walk in Beauty II, Akademie Galerie, Nürnberg, Germany
Grants and prizes
2014 Goldrausch project for women artists, Berlin Senate
2013 Schloßberg bursary, Böblinger Kunstverein
2011 project funding “artistcontacts” of ifa – Institut of Foreign A airs for Crossing Signs in Indonesia
2009 residency grant “dynamo.eintracht”, cultural foundation of the Dresdner Bank in Frankfurt/M
2008 diplomaprize of the HfBK Dresden